16 March 2023 entry into force of the provisions amending the Act
12 December 2022 signing the Amending Act by the President of the Republic of Poland
2 December 2022 transferring of the Amending Act by the Marshal of the Sejm to the President of the Republic of Poland for signature
1 December 2022 consideration by the Sejm of the Senate’s amendments to the Amending Act (pos. no. 67); decision: some of the amendments adopted
1 December 2022 report of the Public Finance Committee (Sejm paper No. 2834 of the Sejm of the 9th term); recommendation of the Commission – accept some of the amendments
30 November 2022 resolution of the Senate (Sejm paper No. 2828 of the Sejm of the 9th term) – introduction of amendments to the Amending Act – referral of the draft taking into account the Senate’s amendments to work in the Public Finance Committee
On November 7, 2022, the Amending Act will be submitted to the President of the Republic of Poland and the Speaker of the Senate
4 November 2022 3rd reading of the draft Amending Act at the Sejm session (deputy no. 65), vote no. 63 (231 for, 184 against, 40 abstentions), adoption of the amending act
4 November 2022 additional report of the Public Finance Committee (Sejm Paper No. 2754-A of the Sejm of the 9th term); recommendation of the Commission – accept some of the amendments
4 November 2022 2nd reading of the draft Amending Act at the session of the Sejm (pos. no. 65) – referral of the draft to the Public Finance Committee for presentation of the report
2 November 2022 report of the Public Finance Committee (Sejm Paper No. 2754 of the Sejm of the 9th term); recommendation of the Commission – adoption of the draft Amending Act in accordance with the draft attached to the report
27 October 2022 1st reading of the draft Amending Act at the Sejm session, (pos. no. 64) – referral of the draft to the Public Finance Committee
20 October 2022 referral of the draft amending act to the first reading at the session of the Sejm
14 October 2022 receipt of the government Sejm of the draft act amending the act on handling complaints by financial market entities and on the Financial Ombudsman and some other acts (Sejm Paper No. 2703 of the Sejm of the 9th term), amending, among others, Act
7 November 2019 the remaining amendments of the Act enter into force
21 August 2019 the amendments of Article 21 and 22 of the Act enter into force
24 July 2019 signing of the Amending Act by the President of the Republic of Poland
5 July 2019 transferring of the Amending Act to the President of the Republic of Poland for signing
4 July 2019 examination of the Senate’s position by the Sejm (session No. 83); decision: amendments approved
3 July 2019 works in the Special Committee for changes in legal codes concerning the Senate’s position – see the report of the Special Committee for changes in legal codes of 3 July 2019 (Sejm paper No. 3565 of the Sejm of the Eighth Term); Committee recommendation – adoption of Senate’s amendment to the Amending Act
26 June 2019 Senate’s resolution (Sejm paper No. 3554 of the Sejm of the Eighth Term) – introduction of amendments into the Amending Act – moving the draft including the Senate’s amendment to the Special Committee for changes in legal codes
14 June 2019 transferring of the Act to the President of the Republic of Poland and the Marshal of the Senate
13 June 2019 third reading of the draft of the Amending Act at the session of the Sejm (session No. 82), voting No. 24 (253 for, 172 against, 6 abstaining), passing of the Amending Act
12 June 2019 works in the Committee after the second reading – see additional report of the Special Committee for changes in legal codes (Sejm paper No. 3457-A, Sejm of the Eighth term); Committee recommendation – introduction of amendments into the draft of the Amending Act
12 June 2019 second reading of the draft of the Amending Act at the session of the Sejm (session No. 82) – moving of the draft to the Special Committee for changes in legal codes for presentation of a report
April-May 2019 works in Committees after the first reading – see report of the Permanent Sub-Committee for amendment of the civil law of 11 April 2019 and report of the Special Committee for changes in legal codes of 14 May 2019 (Sejm paper No. 3457, Sejm of the Eighth Term); Committee recommendation – passing of the act as per attached draft
20 February 2019 first reading of the draft of the Amending Act during the session of the Sejm (session No. 77) – moving of the draft for examination by the Special Committee for changes in legal codes
16 January 2019 referral of the draft of the Amending Act for first reading at the session of the Sejm
8 January 2019 filing of the governmental draft of the act on amendment of the act – Civil Code and certain other acts (Sejm Paper No. 3137, Sejm of the Eighth Term), amending, inter alia, the Act
1 June 2017 the Amending Act enters into force
27 April 2017 Signing of the Amending Act by the President of the Republic of Poland
11 April 2017 Transferring of the Amending Act by the Marshal of the Sejm to the President of the Republic of Poland for signing
7 April 2017 Examination of the Senate’s amendments to the Amending Act by the Sejm (session no. 39); decision: amendments approved
31 March – 5 April 2017 works of the Public Finances Committee and the Economy and Development Committee on the Senate’s stance – see: the Public Finances Committee and Economy and Development Committee on the Senate’s resolution regarding the Act of 5 April 2017 on the Amendment of Certain Acts to Facilitate Redress (paper no. 1451 of the Sejm of the Eighth Term); Committees recommendation – adoption of Senate’s amendments to the Amending Act
30 March 2017 Sejm’s resolution (paper no. 1439 of the Sejm of the Eighth Term) – the introduction of amendments to the Amending Act – moving the draft including the Senate’s amendments to Committees for examination
10 March 2017 transferring of the Act to the President of the Republic of Poland and the Marshal of the Sejm
9 March 2017 third reading of the draft of the Amending Act at the Session of the Sejm (session no. 37), voting no. 23 (405 for, 1 against, 30 abstaining), passing of the Amending Act
8-9 March 2017 works of the Public Finances Committee and the Economy and Development Committee – see: the extra report of the Public Finances Committee and the Economy and Development Committee dated 9 March 2017 regarding the governmental draft of the Act on the Amendment of Certain Acts To Facilitate Redress (paper no. 1339-A of the Sejm of the Eighth Term); Committees’ recommendation – introduction of amendments into the draft of the Amending Act
8 March 2017 second reading of the draft of the Amending Act at the Session of the Sejm (session no. 37) – redirecting the draft to the Committees for examination
January – March 2017 works of the Public Finances Committee and the Economy and Development Committee – see: the extraordinary subcommittee report dated 23 February 2017 regarding the examination governmental draft of the Act on the Amendment of Certain Acts To Facilitate Redress and the report of the Public Finances Committee and the Economy and Development Committee dated 7 March 2017 regarding the governmental draft of the Act on the Amendment of Certain Acts To Facilitate Redress (paper no. 1339-A of the Sejm of the Eighth Term); Committee’s recommendation – passing of the draft of the Amending Act
26 January 2017 first reading of the draft of the Amending Act at the Session of the Sejm (session no. 34) – referral of the draft to Committees for examination
3 January 2017 referral of the draft of the Amending Act for the first reading at the Session of the Sejm
29 December 2016 filing of the governmental draft of the Act on the Amendment of Certain Acts To Facilitate Redress (paper no. 1185 of the Sejm of the Eighth Term ), among others amending the Act
19 July 2010 the Act’s entry into force
18 January 2010 Promulgation of the Act
4 January 2010 Signing of the Act by the President of the Republic of Poland
18 December 2009 Transferring of the Act by the Marshal of the Sejm to the President of the Republic of Poland for signing
17 December 2009 Examination of the Senate’s amendments to the Act by the Sejm (session no 56 date: 17-12-2009), decision: approval of the amendments of the Senate; passing of the Act
4 December 2009 Works in the Senate – resolution of the Senate (Sejm paper no 2571, Sejm of the Sixth Term ) – introduction of amendments to the draft of the Act
9 November 2009 Transferring of the draft of the Act to the President of the Republic of Poland and Marshal of the Senate
5 November 2009 third reading of the draft of the Act during the session of the Sejm (voting: 417 for, 1 against, 0 abstained) – passing of the Act
4 November 2009 second reading of the draft of the Act during the session of the Sejm (immediately moving of the draft of the Act to third reading)
April – October 2009 Works in the Committee of Justice and Human Rights – see report of the extraordinary subcommittee on the examination of the draft of the act of 14 July 2009 and Report of the Committee of Justice and Human Rights on the governmental draft of the act on pursuing claims in group proceedings of 21 October 2009 (Sejm paper no 2414, Sejm of the Sixth Term); recommendation of the Committee – passing of the draft of the act
24 April 2009 first reading of the draft of the Act during the session of the Sejm (session no 40) – moving of the draft for examination by Sejm’s Committees
31 March 2009 referral of the draft of the Act for reading at the session of Sejm
26 March 2009 filing of the governmental draft of the act on pursuing claims in group proceedings with the Sejm of the Republic of Poland (Sejm paper no 1829, Sejm of the Sixth Term)