Decision of the Regional Court in Bydgoszcz 1st Civil Division of 6th June 2012
I C 709/11

  1. Group proceedings examine cases where homogenous claims based on the same or similar factual basis are pursued by at least 10 people. Group proceedings for pecuniary claims are admissible only if the amount of each member’s claim is standardized, taking into account the circumstances which are common for all members of the group. The standardization may be carried out in subgroups of at least 2 people.

The Regional Court in Bydgoszcz I Civil Division in the following ruling bench:

Ewa Grażyna Bednarek, Regional Court Judge

Joanna Sauter – Kunach, Regional Court Judge

Jarosław Zawadzki, Regional Court Judge

having examined on 23rd May 2012 in Bydgoszcz at the hearing the case filed by B.B. against G. N. B. S.A. with its registered office in W. for payment, following the motion for examination of the case in group proceedings,

decides to:

examine the case in group proceedings.

The judgements of the Regional Court in in Bydgoszcz published on the website were facilitated by the President of the District Court in Bydgoszcz in the letter of 27th August 2019, and then processed by the entity operating this website. The judgements have been translated by the entity operating this website.