Decision of the Regional Court in Bydgoszcz 1st Civil Division of 30th July 2013
I C 709/11

The Regional Court in Bydgoszcz 1st Civil Division in the following ruling bench:

Wojciech Rybarczyk, Regional Court Judge

Hanna Daniel – Kunach, Regional Court Judge

Hanna Rucińska, Regional Court Judge

having examined on 30th July 2013 in Bydgoszcz at the hearing in camera the case filed by B.B. against G. N. B. S.A. with its registered office in W. for payment,

decides to:

declare the composition of the group which consists in the following members: 1. P. B., (…) 134 K. I.

The judgements of the Regional Court in in Bydgoszcz published on the website were facilitated by the President of the District Court in Bydgoszcz in the letter of 27th August 2019, and then processed by the entity operating this website. The judgements have been translated by the entity operating this website.