Decision of the Court of Appeals 1st Civil Division of 5th February 2016
I ACz 4/16

The Court of Appeals in Szczecin, 1st Civil Division in the following ruling bench:

Presiding Judge: Mirosława Gołuńska (rapporteur), Court of Appeals Judge

Judges: Iwona Wiszniewska, Court of Appeals Judge, Dariusz Rystał, Court of Appeals Judge

having examined on 5th February 2016 in Szczecin at the hearing in camera the case filed by K. P. as the representative of the group in proceedings for payment against the State Treasury, following the ’appeals of the Claimant and of the Defendant’ against the decision of the Regional Court in Szczecin from 23rd October 2015, case file reference I C 762/12

hereby decides to:

  1. having ivisionecin  of Appeals supplement the decision of the Regional Court in S. from 23rd October 2015 establishing the ’composition of the group in the manner which follows:
  • in 32. point the subgroup of 272 shares, subpoints 84 through 86 are added [3 participants are added];
  • in 54. point the subgroup of 749 shares, in fractional parts of one half each, subpoints 35 and 36 are added [2 participants];
  • in 55. point the subgroup of 749 shares, subpoints 942 through 950 are added [9 participants];
  1. dismiss the defendant’s appeal.
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