Tourism industry vs. the State Treasury

Action by a group of entrepreneurs from the tourism industry vs. the State Treasury.

Declaratory action for liability of State Treasury for damage caused by introduction, on the basis of a regulation, therefore against the Constitution, of prohibition to conduct certain economic activities.

45 group members

Proceedings in second phase; decision on examination of the case in group proceedings is final.

  • Decision of the Court of Appeals in Warsaw 6th Civil Division of 16th November 2022, VI ACz 285/22 – dismissing the complaint against the decision of the Regional Court in Warsaw 25th Civil Division of 27th April 2022, XXV C 136/21
  • Decision of the Regional Court in Warsaw 25th Commercial Division of 27th April 2022, XX C 136/21 – examination of the case in group proceedings
  • Statement of claims filed on: 7th January 2021. Case has been registered in the Regional Court in Warsaw under file ref. XXV C 136/21.