Straż Graniczna (Border Guard) Officers vs. the State Treasury

A group of Border Guard Officers vs. the State Treasury – the Minister of Interior Affairs in Warsaw

Action for payment on the grounds of compensation for the damage resulting from the non-indexation of group members’ remunerations in the years 2009-2014 (damage in the form of remuneration lost by group members).

375 group members

Proceedings in Phase III – concluded with a final judgment of the Regional Court in Warsaw 21st Labour Division of 24th June 2019, XXI P 113/18 – dismissing the claim in its entirety.

  • Decision of the Regional in Warsaw 21st Labour Division of 10th August 2018, XXI P 113/18 – announcement on the initiation of group proceedings
  • Judgment of the Supreme Court Labour and Social Security Chamber 2nd Division of 17 April 2018, II PK 44/17 – repealing the decision of the Court of Appeals in Warsaw 3rd Labour and Social Security Division of 19th August 2016, III APz 16/16, dismissing the motion for the rejection of the statement of claims and hearing the case in group proceedings