Knowledge base > Bibliography
Protection of Collective Interest in Civil Procedure.
Warszawa: C.H. Beck, 2017. ISBN 9788325596200.
Class actions in light of American federal procedural law.
[in:] Dolecki H, Flaga-Gieruszyńska K. (ed.), The evolution of Polish civil proceedings in light of political, social and economic changes. Warsaw: C.H. Beck 2008. ISBN 9788325502195.
Theoretical concepts of group proceedings.
Polski Proces Cywilny. 2011, No. 1, pp. 28-45.
Principles of the group proceedings.
[in:] Materials from the conference on class actions - another step towards strengthening the protection of consumers. Warsaw, 22th April 2010 (unpublished)
The Role of the Supreme Courts in Scandinavia.
Scandinavian Studies in Law. 2000, vol. 39, p. 325–365.
Response to the questionnaire on the seminar in subject of class actions.
[in:] Conference materials on collective actions. Warsaw: Ministry of Justice, 18-19 January 2007 (unpublished)
Collective actions.
[in:] Conference materials on collective actions. Warsaw: Ministry of Justice, 18-19 January 2007 (unpublished)
Students class actions.
Forum Akademickie. 2010, No. 12, pp. 44-45.
Pursuing collective consumer claims in European Union.
[in:] Materials from the II General Counsel Forum. Warsaw - 24th-25th September 2006 (unpublished)
Ending class actions as we know them: rethinking the american class action.
Emory Law Journal. 2014, vol. 64, p. 399-449.