Knowledge base > Bibliography
The Act on pursuing claims in group proceedings. Commentary.
- Jaworski T.
- Radzimierski P.
Warsaw: C.H. Beck 2010. (Commentaries by Beck). ISBN 9788325517755.
Class action and the protection of consumer interests.
Przegląd Prawa Handlowego. 2000, No. 12, pp. 12-20.
The Decline of Class Actions.
Washington University Law Review. 2013, vol. 90, p. 729-838.
The Multitude of Entities in Polish Civil Proceedings and the Institution of Class Action Suits.
Executive View. 26 March 2010.
[in:] The International Comparative Legal Guide to : Class and Group Actions 2017. ISBN: 9781911367246.
Opinion on the matter of the draft act on pursuing claims in group proceedings
Sejm printout No. 1829. [Electronic document].
The pursuit of claims in group proceedings. Commentary to the Act of 17 December 2009 on pursuing claims in group proceedings.
Warsaw: "Difin", 2010. ISBN 9788376412979.
USA: Decision of the Supreme Court of the United States of 2th March 2011. Snyder against Phelps (file ref. no. 09/751).
Przegląd Sejmowy. 2014, No. 4, pp. 277-285.
Class action arbitration: in search for an effective redress mechanism for consumers.
Studia Iuridica Toruniensia. 2015, No. 16, pp. 137-163.
Act on pursuing claims in group proceedings – first practical experience.
Przegląd Sądowy. 2012, No. 7/8, pp. 83-100.