Knowledge base > Bibliography
The Act on Pursuing Claims in Group Proceedings. Commentary.
Warszawa: C.H. Beck 2019. (Beck’s Short Commentaries). ISBN 9788381580502.
Group proceedings – selected issues.
- Babiarz M.
- Barański B.
- Borowiec A.
- Flejszar R.
- Kraciński O.
- Malczyk-Herdzina M.
- Śmierzchalska K.
Państwo i Społeczeństwo. 2009, No. 3, pp. 199-222.
Litigation Funding: Some Modest Proposals.
A dissertation, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. October 2018.
Group proceedings, a new institution in the Polish legal system – introduction.
Administracja Publiczna. 2010, No. 2, pp. 119-127.
Group proceedings: analysis of regulation in the theoretical and practical assessment after four years of its functioning.
Forum Prawnicze. 2014, No. 6, pp. 19-39.
Group proceedings: current challenge for insurance companies.
- Falarz P.
- Orzechowski M.
- Wietrzyńska-Ciołkowska A.
Prawo Asekuracyjne. 2014, No. 4, pp. 17-29.
The role of the Court in Collective Redress Litigation : Comparative Report.
Bruxelles: Larcier, 2014. ISBN 9782804462802.
Mediation in Polish group proceedings.
ADR Arbitraż i Mediacja. 2011, No. 1, pp. 5-17.
Group proceedings in Polish law.
Copyright by The Institute of Public Affairs Foundation, 2014. ISBN 9788376892085.
The Code of Group Proceedings: a model for the countries of the continental legal system.
Studia Iuridica Toruniensia. 2015, No. 17, pp. 67-92.