Swiss Franc Credit Holders vs. Santander Consumer Bank S.A.

A group of consumers – clients of Santander Consumer Bank S.A. – vs. Santander Consumer Bank S.A.

Action for establishing that the group members are not bound by the agreements concluded with the defendant on credits denominated in a foreign currency (Swiss franc) with regard to the clause concerning the conversion of the amount based on a unilaterally determined bank currency purchase rate, and the credit instalments – based on the bank currency sale rate, as well as with regard to the variable interest rate clause (prohibited contractual provisions), and for establishing that the group members’ claim against the defendant on the grounds of the credit, in face of the omission of the above-mentioned provisions as non-binding, is expressed in the Polish currency and includes the interest rate resulting from other contractual provisions (which were not challenged in the statement of claims).

55 group members


The information was prepared based on public information provided by the President of the Regional Court in Wroclaw in the letter of 27th August 2019.

The judgements of the Regional Court in Wroclaw published on the website were facilitated by the President of the Regional Court in Wroclaw in the letter of 27th August 2019. The texts of the rulings were processed by the entity operating this website by adding theses, deleting data of the group members, visual compilation and removing punctuation and literal errors. The judgements have been translated by the entity operating this website.

The authority obliged to provide public sector information is not responsible for its processing, further sharing and use.

  • The appeal was registered under case reference number: I ACa 2385/23
  • Decision of the Regional Court in Wroclaw 1st Civil Division of 25th May 2023, I C 2005/15 dissmising the claim regarding the main claim and granting the alternative claim: establishing the non-existence of legal relations under mortgage loan agreements denominated in CHF
  • The hearing of 17th September 2021
  • The hearing of 4th October 2019
  • The hearing of 7th May 2019
  • The hearing of 17th December 2018
  • Statement of claims filed on: 2nd December 2015